Mission: Kosovo



In 1998, at the end of the war, PSF International, already known for its experience in Bosnia,  was granted funding by the European Community Humanitarian Office (ECHO) to restore the drug distribution network and to determine the functionality of care centers throughout Kosovo.

Hubert Brault, the first President of PSF Canada, arrived in Pristina in November 1999 as part of a team for PSF International tasked to be responsible for restoring the country’s drug supply in an equitable and fair fashion. In addition to Pristina, the capital of Kosovo, PSF was responsible for four other regions: Mitrovica, Gnjilane, Prizren and Pec (all still at the time under the protection of various UN armed bodies)

Hubert was made responsible for Prizren, and tasked to ensure health centers were functional, and supply them with medicines and medical equipment from government warehouses (supplied by the World Health Organization)


  1. Determine functionality of care centers to help prepare and direct future aid work

  2. Re-establish government/state-owned pharmacies

  3. Including: public confidence in the pharmacy sector, medication stockpiles, avenues of distribution and procurement, etc

Team Members:

  • Hubert Brault



  • European Community Humanitarian Office (ECHO)

  • World Health Organization (WHO)

  • PSF International

  • United Nations Mission in Kosovo(UNMIK), the interim government of KOSOVO

  • State Funded Hospitals and Pharmacies throughout KOSOVO and regions under UN Protection


WHO in association with PSF were responsible for distribution of the majority of drugs to state pharmacies. At the conclusion of the mission drugs were obtained by state-pharmacies free of charge and given to patients free of charge - this will transition into a public/private system once the government of Kosovo is stabilized


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